Welcome to November and the holiday season!
The Dalles Art Center has been hard at work getting ready to host the Holiday Art & Craft Market. We’ve also planned two full months of workshops and activities for kids and adults! TDAC is your community arts center and we look forward to celebrating with you during these final months of 2023.
The holidays can be a wonderful time for connecting with friends and family, to engage in holiday traditions or to create new traditions. We hope that The Dalles Art Center will be a part of your holiday celebrations. We have two community parties for your social calendars:
Thursday, November 9th from 5 – 7 pm - Opening Night party for our Holiday Market. Join us for holiday cheer and to be first to see all the treasures to be found at our holiday market!
Thursday, December 7th we’ll host our Holiday Party! Be a part of our
COOKIE BAKE OFF with awards for 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize (as well as honorable mentions). Drinks, snacks and carol singing are part of the evening!
While this season can feel rich and cozy for many of us, did you know it is not uncommon for people to feel lonely during the holidays? A 2017 AARP survey showed that 31% of adults aged 18 and older have felt lonely during the holidays. Catherine Pearson wrote the article “Simple Steps for Managing Loneliness” that for the New York Time last December that gives five strategies for dealing with loneliness. The top 2 strategies are ones that The Dalles Art Center can help you with:
Do something for others: volunteer!
We need volunteers to help us throughout November and December with set up & assistance hosting our events or to help us offer gift wrapping on the weekends. Call the Center at 541-296-4759 to speak with Kris or Nancy or email us at gallerymanager@thedallesartcenter.org.
Tap into your creativity: research now links creative expression to reduced loneliness!
We have free and paid workshops and activities for kids and adults planned for most weekends between now and the end of December. Sign up or drop in to spend time with others and engage your creativity. If you need space to be creative, come to our Maker Mondays, our open studio where you’ll meet other creative folks working on their projects. Details and information about all of these programs can be found on our website: www.thedallesartcenter.org.
Click here to read the full article: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/20/well/family/holiday-loneliness.html?smid=url-share
Finally, Happy Holidays from all of us at The Dalles Art Center. We wish you the warmest of seasons and thank you for supporting our mission!